Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Wellington, located on the south coast of the North Island, is the home of New Zealand's film industry. The airport is Hobbit themed. Large letters on the side of the terminal greet visitors by reading "Middle of Middle Earth."

Two days before we arrived, Wellington suffered an earthquake that was 6.2 on the Richter Scale. This giant Lord of the Rings eagle fell near our gate. No one was hurt.

While in town we visited Welly's museums and art galleries.

We enjoyed dining at "Aunty Mena's". Thanks for the suggestions Kat!

We also met up with Pat & Alistair's nephew Dave. He make guitars and showed us around his workshop.

We hopped in Dave's beautiful 70's era??? Peugeot and he drove us all around the city. 

He took us to some outstanding sites.

Later, Dave and his wife Natalie brought us to "Bike Night". That is when they meet up with friends to work on their motorcycle's together. 

Slow down easy rider, where's your helmet!!!

This is a view from Dave's friend's living room. 

P.S. We fell completely in love with Wellington. Head over heels.

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