Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leysin, Switzerland

How does one improve upon this view of Lake Geneva from the top of the Berneuse?

Oh, right!

Guess who we also found at the top of the mountain???

This guy!

and this Lady!

This exact spot (a little further down the mountain) is where these two love birds met over forty years ago. 

Not too long after that meeting, she moved into his apartment in the basement of this chalet.

Then this happened

and as it tends to, the family and friends continued to grow.

So with views like these, why wouldn't you return?

The upside of suffering from jet-lag is that we were awake in time to catch some amazing sunrises. 

These shots are all from taken from the chalet.

No biggie

and so the days went on and on like this

Rough life

OK, back to the slopes with Glenda, Scott, Tracy, Thomas & Lisa.

Doug & Tracy riding in style

Courtney & the snowman family

This is Courtney's attempt at building a snowman. It only made it to the snowbaby phase. It's a lot of work to build a family.

Just ask this guy

All this fun can really work up your appetite, so we made our way to La Fromagerie for fondue & raclette. 

They make all their own cheese, the same way its been done for ages.


How should you REALLY enjoy a beautiful, sunny, day in Leysin? 

By spending the afternoon gazing upon the Tour d'Ai and Tour de Mayen from the lower village?


Fearless riders

What a ride

Well once again, it was time to say au revoir.

We hopped on the train back down the mountain and headed off to Germany.

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